Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Nervous America

When you think about it most of us want the same basic things.  What those things seem to be is what is different.

Most of us would like to have some security in our lives.  Security in the form of a good job, a safe place to live and a safe world.

Now if you don't have one of those things, you are going to feel worried.

However, we've become a society where because of perception, even if we have those things, we are afraid someone is going to take it away.

We have the same issues when it comes to our children's education, our relationships, and most aspects of our lives.

We are bombarded with news and media that suggests someone is out to take these things away from us, if they already haven't.

There was a time when we could read the paper or watch the news and understand that while terrible things happened, they weren't happening to us.

This seems to have changed as Americans see changes, that may or may not affect them and react in fear and anger.

Now of course if you lost your job, your home, your family, these things happened to you.  Without going into whose fault it was, it happened.

However those Americans who didn't have these things happen have developed a sense of unease.

There are very few guarantees today, so most of us live on the edge.  Its nice for a financial advisor to recommend a six month safety net of savings, but that is mostly a joke to most working people.

They've seen what happens to friends and neighbors who lose their jobs or their health.  Its not pretty. 

It is this sense of unease that is making everyone angry and crazy and looking for someone to blame.

It only seems lie it is getting worse.

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