Sunday, March 12, 2017

Spring Ahead Thoughts

Even though today we turn the clocks forward, turning back the clock is something that seems to be what many Americans want.  Its fairly common to remember the best part of the past while the painful parts don't seem as bad as when they were happening.

However, the past wasn't better than the present nor  as good as the future will be with the exception that everyone was younger.

We can't get young again although that seems to be the goal of a lot of advertising.

I'd like to feel like I did when I was young but I wouldn't want to be as stupid as I was then.

Part of human existence is the imperative to grow, live and die.  We pass on our genes and hopefully our knowledge to the next generation. 

The course of human history shows that as time passes, we progress.  Now as far as physical progress, we have things now that were unimaginable as little as a hundred years ago.  There have been some reactions to the change in technology and material things but generally most of us are happy with the changes.

But this progress isn't even and while it improves the human situation overall it doesn't work for every individual. 

The ability to use technology in manufacturing reduces the cost of products but eliminates low skill labor.

Office and business automation has eliminated a tremendous number of clerical jobs that used to exist.

Online shopping is eliminating jobs related to physical shopping.

These jobs are gone but the people remain.

New jobs are being created but they aren't the same and often don't pay as well.

It can be painful, but the clocks move forward everyday whether we like it or not.

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