Sunday, March 26, 2017

You Are Responsible

There are more and more stories about how a certain group of people are feeling depressed.  This group is white men who don't have college or technical skills.

The essence of the story is that they felt they were living the American dream, getting out of High School, getting a good job, raising a family and generally enjoying life.  

Then something happened.

It turned out that all those nerds had the right idea, study, go to college and develop skills.

It turns out, much to their dismay, that an uneducated, unskilled white man is exactly the same as any other uneducated, unskilled person, whether black, Hispanic or whatever.

They thought that they were entitled to a good life because of some whim of fate that had them born to the favored race.

Well fate is fickle, and reality is hard.  The demand for unskilled labor is decreasing and while it is still generally better to be a white man looking for work than anyone else, it isn't that much better.

Even worse, the pay has diminished to what they are really worth, since the mindless work they can do can be done cheaper and probably better by robots or foreign workers.

They want the world of their father's back, where all you really had to do was show up and stay our of serious trouble to make a decent living.

It isn't coming back and the value that was placed on that labor was always disproportionate to what it should have been. 

It is unlikely that mindless good paying work is coming back anytime soon so stop blaming others and realize that those people in high school who told you to buckle down and get more education were giving you good advice.

Its never too late to do something besides complain, take a course, learn some skills, stop taking pills and drinking so much beer.

Or don't.  Its all up to you.

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