Tuesday, March 7, 2017

So Many Crazies, Hard to Keep Up

So slaves in chains at the bottom of a cargo ship are immigrants looking for a better life?  This is a black person who went to medical school and has a cabinet post saying this?

Its just one of the crazy things going around now and there is so much of it its starting to seem normal.

Like being in a bizarro presidency where accusations can be made with no proof while real issues seem ignored.

Today the GOP unveiled a so-called health care bill which is really going to end up killing people.

Its going to knock people off insurance and make really sick people decide they are better off dead.

Now it is unlikely to actually save any money, since it will shift costs to hospital emergency rooms which is of course the most expensive way to get care, but it will provide tax breaks to people who don't really need them, but still want them.

Cost more, kill more is what it looks like, but I'd like to see the CBO estimates.

I'm not sure that this will actually pass, since it manages to have things to upset almost everyone, but with the craziness in Washington it might.

After all, we elected a crazy as president.

Position after position we see people picked who want to achieve the opposite of what the agency they lead is designed to do.

Pollute more, educate less, house less, feed less, cover less and let the chips fall where they may.

Meanwhile increase the deficit, increase the number of people who hate us and attack the media for doing their job.

Crazy indeed.

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