Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Not nearly Enough

I think I understand why some voters went for the current president despite all his flaws.  They think he is on their side and that the establishment isn't.

Now, for whatever reason a lot of people in this country feel entitled to a certain type of life.  They simply had to follow the rules and stay out of serious trouble and a decent job and certain lifestyle would be theirs.  They didn't make much of opportunities to improve their skills or education because they were fine with making enough money to buy a house, raise a family, have some recreation and drink a little beer.

Of course there never really was such a promise, or if someone made it, they were wrong.  Life is what it is, there are no guarantees.  The people who make decisions about things do it because either it makes them money or in some cases if for the better good.

Now, the do-gooders take a certain amount of undeserved abuse in this country.  They want to improve things for everyone, and preserve the world for our progeny.  Some probably go a bit too far, but in general they are actually people who want to do good.  If you think they are hurting you in some way, you probably need to look into it a bit deeper.  Of course, if a plant gets shut down because it is polluting everybody's air and water, you might lose a job, but while the problem wasn't created by you, it can't be allowed to continue.  However, if the plant was profitable enough, it would have been cleaned up, not shut up.

The people who do things based on pure profit and loss, don't care about people at all, except as customers.  Now, they may care about certain people, their immediate family, but they aren't in business to be do-gooders.  They make decisions based on what turns the biggest profit.

They are the ones who move businesses to cheaper locations, reduce benefits, rob pension funds, and argue against paying taxes for the safety net.  They like to argue that they would create more jobs if the policies were better, but experience tells us this isn't true.  They will do what they have to do to compete and they will manufacture things here if the numbers are better.

Of course, what has happened is that the work that doesn't require much skill is cheaper elsewhere or is done by robots.  So even if jobs are created here, and many are, they require a skill set that isn't possessed by much of our workforce.

Lot of underemployed people while skilled jobs have no one to fill them.

The current administration acts like they can change this and if they get the infrastructure package they will create some jobs that require less skills.  Not nearly enough though. 

Not nearly enough.

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