Friday, March 10, 2017

Denying Reality

In Alice in Wonderland, you have a girl transported to a world where reality is different.  Its a fun book and its been turned into a number of movies because the world created has few boundaries.

Now a lot of fiction is like that, depicting alternate realities that create a world which while sort of like ours is just different.

Of course, the general theme is that we leave this reality and go to that one.

Now our alt right friends and president inhabit such an alternate reality which has evil characters who are trying to destroy the life they cherish.  They have invented things like the "deep state" which is supposedly the entrenched liberal behemoth that runs things, the fake media which to most of us is the legitimate media, and a world where the undeserving get massive help while deserving people have to pay for it.

There are other aspects and the world they have created is still developing.  Of course they are certain that it is the correct reality, and in their own minds it is.

It is easy to do when developing these ideas late at night on the web when you don't actually have to face the real world.  However, when exposed to the sunlight of reality these things start to fall apart.

Take climate change. Now science is generally accepted as being non-partisan, but not in this reality.  In this reality the facts and figures are manipulated to promote a theory that allows the Government to interfere in people's lives.  We have the new head of the Environmental Protection Agency disagreeing with the consensus scientific view that carbon emissions are a leading cause of climate change.  He probably also thinks cigarettes are good for you. 

If you simply believe you can create the reality you want and then dismiss whatever disagrees with that view, you are delusional. 

Reality has to be supported by empirical proof to be well, reality.  The world appears flat until you get a larger perspective.  The sun appears to circle the earth, but we now know better.  If you continue to believe the earth is flat or the sun circles the earth, there are things that can only be explained via a conspiracy theory.

So conspiracy is the primary reality of these people.  For some reason a large number of people are distorting evidence and creating facts that aren't real.

Its almost impossible to argue with people who refuse to acknowledge that the laws of the universe are valid.  Eventually of course reality will prevail, it always does.  The consequences of that might be felt by all of us unfortunately,

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