Friday, March 3, 2017

Health Care

Ultimately sick and injured people will get treated.  The question becomes at what cost and do we want to invest in keeping those people healthy in the first place.

Now, it the world of many republican congressmen, certain constituents felt they had been inconvenienced by the Affordable Care Act.  They liked the fact that their kids could stay on until age 26 and that preventative care was not subject to deductibles or co-pays, but they thought it might have made some premiums go up, and if they owned a business with more than 50 people they had to offer heath coverage.

Also, they felt the individual mandate was Government telling people what to do, although I doubt many of those people would go a day without coverage anyways.

It also occurred to them that they were probably paying something for it in their taxes and they didn't like that, although as I said before its a pay now or pay later situation.

These things do not qualify as a disaster and in fact the initial outrage that existed in anticipation of the law actually sort of died done.  Repeal Obamacare became a thing you said, sort of like saying Amen at the end of a church service.

In fact many of the people calling for the repeal of Obamacare like the Affordable Care Act, they just didn't know it was the same thing.

Of course the term Obamacare was designed to stir up racism from the start and our media and many others played along because it was a catchy name.  It caught on so well that most Americans didn't know the real name of the law or even what was in it.

Now like the dog that catches the car, the republicans have to come up with something.  Providing multi state coverage, although think that is a state thing and savings accounts that are tax free help the people that don't have a problem now.  Even then, they may lose the pre-existing condition and age 26 benefit they love.

Just letting the insurance market do what it wants will of course bring us back to where we were in 2008 and that is probably not an acceptable solution.

Complicate this with our semi simpleton president who now understands the issue is complex, surprisingly, and has made promises that the congress doesn't want to keep.

Fun and games, except people who lose needed coverage die, so maybe not as much fun as just political games.

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