Friday, March 24, 2017

To Vote or not To Vote

Forcing a vote for a bill that is ill designed and unpopular seems like a strange concept.  Of course, you may believe that some who oppose it will be intimidated at the last minute and swing it to a victory, it seemed to happen in the November election.

Of course if it does pass, it still has to go to the Senate and the drama will continue.  If it fails or they cancel the vote, they can move on to the rest of their rob the poor agenda.

To those of you not paying attention, the basic republican philosophy is to give more to the rich, because they make things happen and it encourages more people to become rich. 

If it was only so easy.

Now, They don't have enough rich people to get elected so they have to fool the not so rich into thinking they will also benefit.  Some might if they don't mind a society where the haves and the have-nots keep getting further apart.

It is much more likely that these people will become a have-not then that they will become wealthy and trying to stay in the middle is really pricey.

Which brings us back to health care, the one thing most likely to cause a financial catastrophe.  Now a country where a bad diagnosis can mean not only a fight for your life but also a chance to impoverish your family is hardly a civilized place. 

Losing your job is of course also a terrible blow but one you have some chance of recovering from.  But a significant illness, can impoverish you while also possibly killing you.  A certain number of people have decided it was better to end it rather than put up with the treatment and the financial danger.  I don't know if we have enough data to figure that out, but I believe it is significant.

It doesn't seem like the vote today, if it happens will be successful because the changes aren't harsh enough.  A bunch of well off old white men think anyone who happens to get pregnant should have to figure out how to pay for it, and they have to have the baby by the way.

The fact that so many Americans vote for these people is the really sick thing.  Many just vote for the party thinking it represents them, but of course if they aren't wealthy it really doesn't.

We have almost two years of this before we get to vote again, lets pay attention.

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