Sunday, May 3, 2020

American IQ?

What I find mystifying nowadays is how we seem, as a nation and maybe as a world t have unlearned things we always knew.

For example, people always knew men liked to have sex with women and vice versa.  So apparently when a man invites a young attractive women to his hotel room to discuss something, she sometimes just assumes it is going to be platonic?

I'm not saying that he can drug or otherwise take advantage of her, but shouldn't some warning signs been obvious with the invitation?

If an older man invited a young man to his hotel room it would raise eyebrows in the world I knew.

Similarly, we know Government and beaurocracy are fallible.  So when I see stories about how the IRS sent some checks to dead people as it rushed to process millions and millions of stimulus checks, I don't actually think it represents news.  The only way to prevent that sort of thing would be a arduous and time consuming review of each payment.  Similarly I saw an article about how they sent a check to a wealthy women who also live in England.  Reading the article it turns out she worked in the US last year, filed a tax return with minimal earnings and got a refund.  So she passed all the tests for a refund, the system worked.  She could have just donated the money to a worthwhile cause but instead she contacted a reporter.

The point I am making is that I read story after story in which people just seem to have become stupid.

Well researched news articles by respected sources are called fake news while sketchy articles by fringe groups are the gold standard?

It has become pervasive that people just seem to believe the weirdest things.  It might not be as bad as it seems, since hopefully most people know better.

The Russians and maybe the Chinese are using our social media to sow discord.  In a zeal to be fair we now allow rebuttals to issues that aren't really rebuttable.  Is the virus a real threat?  Over 60,000 dead would indicate it is but the other side has to be heard from.

We have turned into a country where is some say its daytime others will automatically say it isn't.  Just look outside folks.

I seldom agree with President Bush but he has pled for us to stop being partisan about the virus and unite as a country.

I agree with that.

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