Saturday, May 9, 2020


Some industries still require a lot of manual labor over a short period of time.  This includes farmers in California, crabbers in Maryland, and others have to strike during a relatively short season.  It also has to be cheap labor to stay competitive.

These jobs have been traditional performed by foreign migrant workers.

Many of these workers are Mexicans but by no means all of them.

These jobs are sometimes filled by Americans if they are looking for some short term employment, often off the books.  However it isn't the type of work most Americans desire.

These jobs are emerald difficult to automate since the crops vary and each would be difficult to automate, but not impossible.  If we eliminate the source of cheap labor it would be unlikely that it would create a bunch of American jobs but it could.

More likely a new piece of cheap labor would be found.

Otherwise they would automate the work,.

Either way it would increase cost and help no one.

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