Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Just Give Them More Rope

There seem to be two type of people who buy into the poppycock on FOX news.

The first are people who actually believe that stuff.  I don't know what percentage this constitutes but they just buy into the convoluted rehashed "news" pushed on the channel.  I know that it isn't because they are stupid, more likely a little lazy.

They get some random facts put together to present a quasi believable story that they can simply accept.  Sure, everyone knows the Clintons kill lots of people and get away with it.  Obama was clearly born outside of America and is really a Muslim.  He also happens to be black so he must be no good.

The media which has well established credentials and a long history of reporting factual news has a liberal bias (apparently that's a desire for honesty) since the tripe presented on FOX shows reality is just different.

They report on all the amendments to the constitution, not just the ones FOX likes and take them literally.

FOX exposes these faults every day in as sensational a manner as possible using photogenic women and fast talking men.  Very similar to a formula used by carneys since time immemorial.

They've been coned and they will sometimes realize the elixir doesn't work but that's probably not going to be because of you.

The second group is what I like to call the rebels.  They might actually know that the tripe is BS but they don't care.  Its a bit controversial and it gets them reactions when they repeat it.  I had a conservative friend over a few years ago who after dinner wanted me to put FOX on.  He has a sense of anticipation for what the latest revelation was going to be.  He was shocked when I didn't know what channel it was and while I definitely had it somewhere, he realized I wasn't into the same sort of laugh at the lies mood he was in.

They enjoy the controversy and while probably knowing better think it allows them to stand out.  That might have been true at one time, but the shock value is simply gone.  This is forcing more and more outrageous claims and rehashing of old ones.

Since they actually know better but enjoy controversy, arguing or discussing with them is simply a game.  If you enjoy it, engage otherwise simply ignore the kookish things they say.

In general its best to simply ignore these people and give them enough rope and see what happens.

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