Saturday, May 16, 2020

No Testing, No Cases?

It can be pretty hard to understand how some people can look at an event in the past and decide that everyone who was there, everyone who was a participant and everyone else are wrong.  People still question whether we did in fact go to the moon.  There were thousands of witnesses, actual participants and widespread news coverage.  Still people who I like to think of as basement dwellers will find some way to twist some limited fact into a theory.  Sadly others agree.

There are people who deny the holocaust or others who think the Government has some vested interest in poisoning our young with vaccines.  We seem to have people willing to either make up or believe any preposterous thing we can come up with.

I don't have any statistics but it just seems that with the advent of social media we see more and more preposterous things formulated.  The problem is that we now treat a wide range of suppositions as possible when in fact only one of them can be true.

We used to call these facts, but now facts seem to be less solid.  There is a principle in logic called Occam's razor which argues that the simplest answer is normally the correct one.  Not always but the vast majority of the time.

This is of course boring and we just have too many people who like to find things they think will be interesting.  We have turned into a nation of attentions seekers who are willing to do all sorts of things for 15 minutes of fame (or less).

Further, because of exposure we have seen the public accept clear falsehoods as, if not the truth, at least possible.  Is the new Coronavirus and infectious disease that has infected millions and killed hundreds of thousands?  Not to everybody.  Its a myth, apparently dreamed up by (fill in the blank here) to disrupt the economy and sway the election.

Its scary and even scarier is that the main proponent sits in the White House.  Hey if we didn't test so much we would have less cases.

What do you say to that?

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