Monday, May 18, 2020

The Blame Game

One of the things you can be sure of in our society is that we want to find someone to blame.

I may be thinking of the past with rose colored glasses but it doesn't seem like we always were like this.

At some point it seems we started to sue everyone we could whenever we could.  Among other things it has driven up things like medical costs as it required that doctors and hospitals performed all sorts of unnecessary procedures to make sure there wasn't something they could be sued over.

We decided doctor's judgements were not trustworthy because maybe 1% or less of the time they were wrong.

This has spread into all walks of life and is almost our main political method.

Of course it was always common to criticize the other candidates views but we now see it raised to an accusation of illegal behavior much of the time.  We saw this work successfully four years ago when things like Benghazi, E-Mail servers and innuendo were elevated to criminal behavior.

None was although many still believe those lies.

China is accused of bad behavior and as a communist regime they are guilty of crimes against their own people but they are not guilty of a bat virus that has spread.  Should they eat bats?  Well we ear all sorts of things and lots of people think eating any animal is wrong.  However because Westerners generally don't eat them is simply cultural, not criminal.

Still because our inadequate response has come under attack we see an attempt to shift blame to China.  Our response was inadequate and then maybe too restrictive.  There are lessons to be learned there but we immediately shift to blame.

Blaming politicians for being incompetent is sort of like being surprised that dog's bark.  Some are worse than others but running things is quite complex, who knew?

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