Friday, May 29, 2020


Some conservatives like to call out liberals for being "Snowflakes" but aren't they the whiniest brats ever?

If some school in California doesn't say under God as part of the Pledge of Allegiance you would think the apocalypse is upon us.  Yet people surrounding a state capital armed with AKs is just fine.

Being asked to wear a mask to protect themselves and others is an infringement on their liberties but calling the Police about a black man asking you to leash your dog is fine with them.

They whine and whine and whine about things they apparently don't even understand.

I have yet to see an elected official ever threaten to take guns away from sane and non-violent citizens but they seem to think it has happened repeatedly.

They whine about the media but believe every crazy theory proposed by their favorite talking heads.

Even when they call young people snowflakes, which is because they consider themselves special, they seem to be attacking their own core belief of individualism.  Do they feel entitled?  Apparently not as much as you whiners.

I'd much rather be called a liberal than be lumped with the a**holes who seem to think that a white policeman kneeling on the neck of a restrained black man until he dies is just fine.  

I guess chasing them down in pickup trucks for jogging is just another good use of their time.

They whine about illegal immigration but it generally has no actual impact on them.  Of course they generally believe anyone who speaks Spanish or looks Spanish is an illegal.  

They like to talk about all the things ruining America but they fail to realize that the number one group criticizing it are them.

As Pogo told us, we have met the enemy and it is us.

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