Friday, May 1, 2020

Competant Conspiracies?

A lot of people who attack the Government hold it in much higher regard than I do.

They think it can organize complex conspiracies and cover-up, stage things like the moon landing, conspire with the enemy about things like the attack on Pearl Harbor or 911, release and control viruses like the current one, and many other complex things.

Ignoring the question about why they would do any of these things, you also have to assume a level of competence that just doesn't exist.

The only branch of Government that is likely to try something like these is the executive branch and we know from things like Watergate, the Iran-Contra scandels, the Bay of Pigs and many others how good they are at it.

This belief in their control and competence drives some of the protestors and while I believe they should continue to protest, they have already got what they wanted, an incompetent Government that can't prepare for a Pandemic, drive regime change in Venezuela, influence North Korea or stop cyberattacks by other countries.

Of course our friendly conspiracy believers will argue that this is all a ruse inspired by those who actually run things designed to throw us off.

Good luck with that.

Nothing will change their minds since no matter how intricate it becomes, they just take that as a deeper conspiracy.

I guess it gives them something to do.

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