Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Expand Opportunity

There was a popular song when I was younger about fighting the law.  The law won.

Now it was catchy and I don't remember much else about the lyric but the hook was easy to remember.

What brings this to mind is the current situation of the Republican party.  They are fighting demographics and almost inevitably the demographics will win.

I guess its possible that young people and minorities will all suddenly adopt Republican values, it  if there are any, but it doesn't seem likely they will abandon issues like Universal Health Care, Free or at least affordable education, better income equality, a more progressive tax system, or saving the planet.

In fact the clear evidence is that the only real strategy left to the Republicans nationally is to suppress the vote.

I imagine they could actually into a fiscally conservative party that also tries to be environmentally friendly, but they really seem too married to certain industries to convert.

We are very likely seeing the demise of the American dominance in the world because of the wasteful wars and enormous debt resulting therefrom.  

Clearly as a country we have some great resources and capabilities but much of our dominance was based on the innovation we showed in the early part of the 20th Century and the destruction of the World Wars.  

Are we still the leaders in innovation?  Not like we once were when much of Europe was plagued by its tradition of class.  We are becoming a nation of economic classes while other countries are leveling the playing field for their people via education.

Greatness comes from utilizing the talents of all your people.  Young people need to have opportunities.  We need to provide them the access to education they need.

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