Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Government is Us

I see a lot of posts by people talking about the Government as if we were living under a system such as a Monarchy or a Dictatorship.

We still don't and the Government is elected by the people.  The Government is therefore us.

It is we the people.  Not of course any one individual but to blame the Government is to blame yourself and your neighbors.

You may of course argue that the politicians have been bought by the major corporations but we still had to vote for them.

If we are stupid enough to elect them, well it is still us.

Even now when the President was elected by a minority of the people, he was still elected by the people.  If we don't like the system we have the power to fix it.

Strangely it seems like a lot of his supporters are the biggest complainers.

We have created a system where electoral victory is often determined by money and advertising and shame on us for that.  Not shame on them, shame on us.

We all need to accept responsibility for what we have and if you throw up your hands because you think you are powerless, well then you are.

You may not agree with a majority of your fellow citizens, but we like to call that democracy.

It does of course require some effort on our part to work.

Do your job and vote!

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