Thursday, May 28, 2020

Fraudulent System

Generally speaking the majority views are not what prevail in this country.  What does prevail are the views that are needed to win an election.

Most voters, at least based on how they vote, seem fairly content with the way things are.  This is the reason incumbents win so much.  In the voting booth our often apathetic voter sees a name he or she recognizes and votes for them.

If however there is an issue that has come to their attention which is important to them they will likely vote for the candidate that is for it.

Some issues like gun rights, abortion, immigration and others have strong adherents who tend to vote as a bloc.  It doesn't require them to be a majority, simply united enough to sway an otherwise close election.

It works even better at the primary level where they find it much easier to nominate a candidate favorable to their views.  If you are a moderate Republican or a Democrat for that matter, you may very well wonder how certain people became your candidates?

Either you or people like you didn't vote.

Once a candidate becomes a parties nominee, they get support from many people who may not really agree with them.  They probably pay lip service to some of the party's platform but they were effectively nominated and then elected because of a single or maybe a few issue that have ardent supporters.

So even though most Americans support things, those things become casualties of how we select and elect our representatives.  The solution would be to get more voters at every level.

The current system is the fraudulent if legal one where people get elected who don't really represent the country.

It doesn't seem likely to change soon.Image result for Voting

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