Saturday, May 23, 2020

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a holiday where we should pause to remember those who sacrificed everything for this country.

To be certain that wasn't their intent, but they did accept the risks and were the ones who paid the price.

The sacrifice is real no matter the outcome and the soldiers who manned Picket's Charge and died paid the same price as the Union Soldier who died in a winning cause.

The simple fact is that fighting a war is probably the worst use of our population.  Still there ate times when it is necessary.  We should however minimize those times.

I see a lot of concern expressed for homeless veterans or veterans who suffer from PTSD and patriotic displays for those who died.

We should do all that but we really should make sure we don't continue to send young men and women to fight in wars that seem to benefit no one except maybe some business interests.

They deserve better than that.

Defending this country is an honorable thing but securing some oil isn't.

This weekend we need to honor those who sacrificed all.

After that lets work to keep others from doing the same.

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