Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Time to Decide

As odd as the presidential is likely to be because of the conditions, we still need to focus on the issues that are at issue.

In addition to the issues related to the current virus we have to deal with our healthcare crisis.

The system that has existed is in greater danger than ever before as employee provided insurance is in jeopardy.  The system of health care needs to be adjusted so that all Americans can get care when needed.

We are the only modern country that has citizens either locked out of health care or forced to pay exorbitant amounts.  The ACA has some benefits and some flaws but it doesn't cover everybody as it is.

You either want to provide health care to all or you don't.

We also have to consider student debt.  We have a system where getting an education leaves many of our young people in debt they carry with them.  As the economy suffers this debt becomes unpayable.

Does this make any sense?

Fairness in our economy is also an issue.  The economy has been going through an adjustment form a manufacturing base to a service base.  It has become cheaper to use automation or foreign sources for much manufacturing.  The owners and executives have benefitted while many workers have suffered.  We are faced with severe wealth inequality.  

There are a range of social issues that should in today's age be no-brainers.  Every person deserves respect and the ability to live his best life.  Unfortunately some find the way others live objectionable.  We went through this during the civil rights era and the work is not finished.  

Unfortunately a number of people seem to believe that expanding rights to all diminishes theirs somehow.  It doesn't.  Of course it does eliminate certain expectations of privileged treatment.  

Climate change is perhaps the biggest issue we face.  Ignoring it is going to condemn future generations to face the consequences.  We need to act like responsible adults.

Similarly we need to address the growing national debt.  That bill is also going to come due.

We have serious issues to address and we need to decide on them soon.  

Time is not our friend here.


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