Thursday, May 7, 2020

Government Profits Who?

Its a common complaint almost everywhere by discontented people, the Government doesn't represent us.

What they mean to say is that the Government isn't treating them in a special way.

For example shortly after the country was founded, there was a tax placed on whiskey.  When they tried to collect that tax on people on the frontier (western Pennsylvania at that time) it led to the Whiskey rebellion of 1791-1794.  While it was suppressed, illegal distilling still exists.

A country cannot operate without taxes of some sort but no one wants to be the one paying them.

You can list a whole bunch of things that don't seem to have any need for Government oversight but which get lots of it.

Take things like drugs.  Some harmful drugs like alcohol and nicotine are legal but taxed. In fact they represent a fairly important part of our economy through the years.  Other drugs, which are often less harmful are illegal and if you sell, distribute or use them you can be imprisoned. The cost of locking those people up is expensive but the taxpayers get to pay it.

Republicans, who claim to be in favor of market self regulation, generally like the Government to intervene here.  Does it serve a legitimate Government purpose?  Well that depends on what you mean by Government.  If it can generate profits for the right people I guess it does. Trying to prevent addiction and side effects are legitimate but providing health insurance and preventive care aren't.

Too many Americans tend to blindly follow the dictates of propaganda outlets like FOX news which represents big business and is owned by a wealthy Australian who has made a lot of money playing the public.

There are of course other cable outlets that profit off phony indignation and it has led to a Government that doesn't represent us.

Unless you are a wealthy insider.

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