Sunday, May 10, 2020

Best Strategy?

In the past when we had outbreaks of disease, generally we just kept the economy going.

Yes there might be some quarantines and additional precautions but it was simply assumed to a large extent that people had to be responsible for their own well being.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have taken precautions because of the new virus, I'm just not sure we couldn't have been more selective.

To a great extent social distancing and mask wearing, hand washing and other precautions seem effective as preventive measures.  Of course in today's day and age there is so much bad information, or even good information misinterpreted, that we seem more fearful than ever.

Getting the virus is a problem, but getting seriously sick and possibly dying is the real problem.  Many who get the virus don't have any symptoms.  Unfortunately they may be infecting others so we need to treat everyone who might have been exposed as a disease vector.

One of the things we seem to have done wrong was to leave many of our most vulnerable elders locked up in isolation with each other in various facilities.  Once the virus got into the facility it was like a doomsday thriller as it spread and killed.

What is also clear is that most of the people who had to work in essential industries are not getting the virus or at least not getting seriously ill.  Studies are showing that the great majority of people being hospitalized in New York were staying at home not out working.

More information is needed but I  suspect that if you know you are in danger you take precautions seriously while if staying at home you might be letting your guard down.  Interactions with other family members, delivery people, store clerks etc. may be viewed as safe when in fact they aren't.

Makes you wonder.

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