Thursday, May 21, 2020

Founding Fathers Disagreed

You see a lot of people who cite the founding fathers to support a particular position.

Of course this is generally BS since there were many founding fathers and they had trouble agreeing on most things.  The first association they created using Articles of Confederation effectively failed and were replaced by our current constitution.

There are many things left undecided in that documents and many compromises.  It was so deficient that they had to add the first 10 Amendments to get it passed.

So when you quote the founding fathers please identify which one you mean since there is probably at least one who would disagree with you.

They didn't even like each other very much as well documented.  The conflict continued in the early years of the Republic and could be considered the root of our Civil War.

We have amended the original Federalist Constitution 27 times to correct omissions or deficiencies.

It also has been interpreted many times by the Supreme Court and depending on the times and the justices it has changed and sometimes changed back again.

So when you tell me the founding fathers had an opinion, my response is they had many opinions and I'm much more interested in what we need today.

Speak for yourself and don't hide behind a myth.

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