Thursday, July 20, 2017

A Hero

Sad news about John McCain who I have always admired even if I didn't always agree with him.

I wish him the best care in the world and hopefully a full recovery and many more years.

I sometimes see him on the news and it seems like the current Republican party is a mystery to him.

They became the not so loyal opposition and now as the majority only know hoe to oppose each other.

Of course they may have bought into the rhetoric that has surrounded a lot of issues, like health care.

The vast majority of Americans were only impacted by the Affordable Care Act is good ways, dependents up to 26 being on your policy and a lot of preventive care being required.

Some saw increased premiums, but its hard to say if the total cost of health care increased for those people without knowing what they actually used.

If you never use your health care, any cost is too much, except maybe as an emergency backup.

The only real way to stabilize the cost is have large groups that include healthy and not so healthy people.  This means the healthy people pay a bit more but the unhealthy people can afford coverage.

The math is simple and the idea that you can let young healthy people escape the group until they get old and sick simply doesn't work and doesn't understand how insurance works.

The only group that actually makes sense is a national group under a single payer system.

Instead of premiums we would pay taxes and the ones paying taxes would subsidize the ones who don't but, everyone would have coverage that works.

What else do we want?

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