Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Breaking Promises

What we are seeing currently is how the administration is ignoring promises made during the presidential campaign that were only made to get some votes.

Some of the promises were so ridiculous to start with that believing them was an act of folly that is hard to respect.

  • Sure we are going to bring coal back, (right after the zombie apocalypse maybe).
  • All those good jobs being taken by illegal immigrants.(picking crops, changing beds, washing dishes)th
  • Mexico's going to pay for the wall (never a chance of that)
  • I'm going to lock up Hillary as soon as I get elected (maybe for some event he is hosting in the future)
Of course other promises sounded more credible, at least on the surface.

  • We are going to protect social security and Medicare.
  • Going to negotiate better trade deals
  • Write a better health care bill
Of course none of that is materializing and he has no concern for most of the people who actually voted for him.  Now when you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas and you may claim to be a Christian caring person who respects women and all people, you are busy scratching those racist, sexist, xenophobic fleas you picked up as you see the lies, the collusion, the hate we now have in this country.

I was reading today how some conservative Republicans oppose his proposed cuts to federal retirement benefits because they think the Government should keep its promises.  Trump has proposed:
  • Lower retirement benefits by basing them on the average of the high five years of salary instead of the current high three.
  • Abolish cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) for current and future Federal Employee Retirement System employees.
  • Reduce the COLA for Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) employees by 0.5 percent from what the formula otherwise allowed.
  • End supplemental retirement income for FERS employees who retire beginning in 2018.
  • Increase individual out-of-pocket FERS payments by 1 percentage point each year until they equal the government’s contribution. This would take up to six years and would amount to increased payments of about 6 percent. Payments from federal law enforcement officers would increase by the same amount but would not equal the greater contributions from law enforcement agencies.
Gee he even is screwing the law enforcement people, what a winner.

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