Wednesday, July 26, 2017

When Even Your Allies Turn On You

It might be a bad sign when people who you claim to have fully vetted for some of the most important positions in our Government are apparently weak and unable to do their jobs less than six months later.

Of course the vetting that took place was most likely simply a loyalty test that they passed and any actual skills weren't at issue.

Further the ones that are under the most attack are being attacked because they didn't do enough to further the ego of the president more than any procedural issue.

You have a group that seems to have trouble with actual reality and has started to believe their own lies.

The Attorney General, the Secretary of State and others are apparently not living is quite the fictional world this group is.

I suspect pretty much everyone who isn't drinking the kool-aid on a regular basis is effectively in trouble. The basic issue is that if you are in fact in touch with reality, you see that the emperor has no clothes and try to get him to put some on.  Of course that not what he perceives and he refuses to listen and thinks you have a problem.

Underlying all this is the fact that the policies have no basis in the real world and are simply unexecutable.

Still, tilting at imaginary dragon that turn out to be windmills is the order of the day, so drop your visors and charge.

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