Tuesday, July 18, 2017

How About an Open Inclusive Approach?

Watching the "politicians" in Washington spin their wheels has a certain sort of entertainment value.  I put politicians in quotes because these clowns are partisans, not politicians.

Politicians have to be ready to conduct politics which requires the interest of the polis or people to be taken care of.  Now this is pretty simple in concept, but if all you do is try to score points for your side instead of trying to come up with solutions that help the MOST people you aren't politicking.

Now over the ages the world recognized some great politicians who were able to solve issues and lead their countries forward.  In American history we have generally had fairly mediocre leaders with a few exceptions.

We had even fewer capable politicians.  Its not being much of a politician to whip your own side into shape to pass a bill that you promote when you have the majority.  The fact that this played out in public a few times now indicates the lack of skill in Washington.

The political process is a lot like sausage making, you don't want to watch how it is done, you just want to enjoy the sausage.

We tend to decry back room deals, because, well, we are naïve.  Deals need to be made to make progress and if we micromanage the process it won't happen.

Of course you still need to make inclusive deals, hopefully that will come out so good that they can actually do some good.

If you can pass them of course.

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