Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Is Anyone Actually There?

Nobody knows everything, some like to pretend they do, but nobody does.

Now this is normal and you need to rely on other people who actually know things you don't.

Reading the stuff that gets tweeted by our president makes you wonder?

Is anyone telling him how stupid he sounds?

I mean, yes lot of people are talking about it, but is there anyone he trusts telling him?

For example, he accuses Hillary of breaking some imaginary law about deleting e-mails.

Now first it was her legal team who decided what e-mail are indeed private and secondly her obligation to turn them over is hardly a crime, unless they are proven to be Government records.

They were after all on her private e-mail server.

Then he rants about her contacts with Russia and Iran which occurred while she was Secretary of State.

He can't even come up with the right crimes that she was investigated for which were release of secret information, of which she was never charged.

Talk about fake news!

He repeats things that his base listened to in the past figuring they bought this crap once, maybe they will again.  Although his base isn't his problem.

Its everyone else.

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