Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Progress Hurts

There are a lot of people who seem to hate other people out there.  Hopefully you're not one of them.

What exactly is the reason for this is difficult to understand.  In some cases they seem to believe that the people they hate are trying to destroy the country they love.

Of course most of the changes are the result of forces that no one really controls.

Doing things cheaper, faster and better is the American way and its also progress.

So moving production to the most economic location is simple economics, not an attack on anyone.

Using automation to improve productivity is the same.

There's a famous line in the Godfather "its only business".

Of course in that world business got pretty personal and when a factory shuts down it not very comforting to think of it as a pure business decision, but it most likely was.

Similarly, you may believe that socially the country is in trouble with new religions around and people with different sexual preferences being allowed to express their love openly.

None of this should of course matter to anyone not actually involved, but a lot of people read the end of times into some of it.

Probably not, but of course I don't really know.  I do know that trying to make other people conform to what you think is right is not an American value.

Now some of these things come and go and you see examples, such as Iran, which was becoming progressive at one time but took a step back under the Ayatollah.  Now I hope nothing like that happens here but its the sort of thing that can happen if people feel threatened by change.

Change is part of progress and progress is like a rollercoaster at times.

You really need to hop on board and try to enjoy the ride.

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