Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Left Hand, Right Hand, so far apart

There are a number of ways to convey a coordinated message.  All of them actually involve a degree of coordination which doesn't seem to be happening currently in our Government.

Now it is theoretically possible that a lot of individuals all acting independently come to a common goal.  For example everyone can decide to go to the beach on a hot summer day.  Probably won't be everyone, some might just stay home but you can get a lot of similar reactions to certain stimuli.

Not hot weather is pretty much the same for everyone but politics is not quite so clear.

Politics though isn't so consistent.  I think its more like arguing over what temperature to keep the air conditioner at,.  Never going to make everyone happy and hopefully you arrive at some compromise.  Sometimes of course one person manages to gain control and set the temperature where they like it making everyone else miserable.

Clearly a compromise is better than the second option, except of course for the one controlling the temperature.

Still in any event coordination generally works better than not coordinating if you want to get the best result for the most people.

Unless you are totally clueless, which might be our situation.

Take any big policy action.  If all you know is what they did was bad and what we do is great, it isn't much of a position.  Unfortunately understanding issues gets a bit complex and who knew being in charge would be real work?

Watching what we call our government do whatever it is they are doing can be either extremely funny or extremely depressing. 

I think at this point finding it humorous is better for overall sanity.

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