Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Policy Is ?????

The Obama administration took over during a terrible financial crisis that threatened the stability of this country and sort of fixed it.

Now I say sort of because in fairness, economics generally will fix itself and what politician's do to fix it may or may not be successful.

What the policies did do were to create and save both jobs and homes and pretty clearly stopped the decline.

What didn't happen was a return to the America that existed in the 50s and 60s.

Of course that America didn't exist right before the crisis, but the crisis expedited some of the changes that had been happening anyways.

Now certain jobs and therefore people who held those jobs had been faced with a declining economy already.  Generally many of the jobs in manufacturing, mining, and other trades that were manually intensive were moved overseas or automated.  The second is the bigger factor and irreversible factor.

What used to require 1000 men can now be done by 10 with robots.

Now the jobs that went away paid well and the jobs that replaced them didn't pay as well and were in many cases simply not "the right" kind of work.

Now much of the country was doing quite well as high tech, creative jobs were created and housing came back leading to construction work.

Now for eight years the Obama administration was criticized for not fixing the economy, although clearly it was a lot better and it was likely the deciding factor in those states that swung the election.

So what's the policy?  I watch the administration seemingly completely unaware that less regulations or even less environmental protections isn't going to create a lot of jobs companies don't need.

Now promises have been made but coal isn't going to come back and the robots aren't leaving.

What else do you have?

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