Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Simple Solutions for a Simpleton

The world is a complex place, even more complex than health care.

Now if you get all your news and analysis from certain TV networks you may not realize that what they present is extremely simplified and distorted in order to appeal to some of the audience that isn't interested in complexity.

For example letting private industry compete for your health care dollars might sound like a simple solution except for those who are unprofitable customers, the ones who need health care the most.

Government needs to protect its weakest citizens not its strongest.

Eliminate regulations and it will make coal and oil profitable and it will come back.

Well it will get more profitable but the air and water will get more polluted and the demand won't change.  Americans and the world are on a path, not a straight line, to cleaner energy and more renewable energy.  No one will produce unneeded coal or oil.

The United States should insist that its International Partners do (add your favorite here) and they will.

No, they won't.  They will do what is in their best interest, just like we always have.

Obama isn't respected around the world because he is too soft.

Well no, he was respected and now we have a laughing stock instead.

Immigrants and refugees are hurting American workers and committing crimes.

No, they actually are generally more law abiding than our native born citizens and they work jobs no one else wants.

Political correctness has gone so far that you can't say Merry Christmas any more.

You can and you always could if you wanted.

Sigh, the list goes on and on and reality can be a real bitch.

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