Thursday, July 6, 2017

Better Healthcare

Almost everybody I know, agrees that a person who is ill and goes to a doctor should be treated.  Almost everybody agrees that the treatment should be the best possible.  The only issue that comes up is cost.

Now how the providers of this treatment get paid is the controversy  How much they get paid is also an issue.

Now, currently they can charge whatever they can get generally unless the patient is covered by a plan they accept.

I recently had a situation where an optometrist billed us a certain amount for services because the patient didn't provide the proper information on coverage.  When we clarified the coverage the cost went down for us to less than half, some of which will be paid by the insurance company but not most of it.

The coverage I have for this service mostly relates to what they can charge for the items provided (the eye exam is covered) so it simply means the contacts cost less.

Now I have to assume the place is still making money so why charge so much more when it appears to be pure profit?  Guess the answer is, they can.

Now there is plenty of competition but they know someone who is there is unlikely to walk out over cost unless it is truly outrageous.  So while I'm sure they would negotiate the higher price down if it would cost them a sale, they charge what they can against the inexperienced.

Is this the way health care should work?

Republicans mostly say yes, let the free market decide and let our most vulnerable bear the cost.

Most of the civilized and not so civilized world has rejected this model and gone with a single payer system, meaning that the provider gets paid a fair amount by a national health service.

A fair price for services rendered and care for all who need it, an idea who's time has come.

Its a better way.

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