Saturday, July 8, 2017

Saturday Musings

The goal of congress should be to improve things, not just show they can pass something.

The two party system is destroying this country.  You can have two districts almost identical in most respects but if one elects a Republican and the other elects a Democrat, they will be represented totally differently.

The needs of the electorate, the health of the country and the protection of the future should be what every representative strives for.

Its so expensive to run for office that you can't usually do well as an independent, no funds or infrastructure so we have to rely on primary battles.

Primaries are ruining the parties since small special interest groups can get a candidate nominated because of widespread voter apathy.

The parties need to consider alternates to how they conduct business, maybe they need to find a way to get more members to vote, electronic?

Somehow I'm on the mailing list of both major parties and I don't get anything from either of them that doesn't end up asking for money.

I guess in some ways its good for the economy that so much is spent on these races, but I can think of much better uses for the amounts being spent.

We need a system that reflects what the American people really want, because what we have doesn't do that.

I don't want any American to lose, its not some sports event even though we sort of conduct it that way.

How can we create a future for our children with a healthy environment, good education, good jobs, good health care and a chance to raise a family, before retiring comfortably?

Is anyone opposed to those things?

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