Monday, July 24, 2017

Infrastructure Projects

Outside of the two pipelines, one violating Native American grounds and the other destroying the Alberta ecosystem, I haven't noticed any.

These are things that are bi-partisan in nature since they tend to help everybody.

Instead it seems that the administration is defunding some projects that would have created jobs and improved infrastructure.

It seems that the desire to increase the defense budget is causing funding shortages elsewhere.

Now, a lot of the increase is to have more conventional forces and equipment, including more ships.  How many ships we actually need depends on what scenario  you use, one war, two wars, more wars, and number of fronts.

Professional military people can project what and how many we need and especially in the current world that has to take into account but of course all we hear are mostly arbitrary numbers that he heard elsewhere.

To build more ships instead of a third Hudson River tunnel which would actually increase commerce and prosperity is wrong.

Infrastructure is something we all agree on, lets give it a shot.

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