Sunday, July 23, 2017

All The People!

The American people are the people who live in America.

Not some of those who live here, all of them.

Now not everyone here is a citizen and some may not be here legally.

However, they are part of the American people while they live in this country.

During elections its become common to attack your opponent and more recently its become a bit of a tactic to attack their supporters.

However, until I think this election, the winners have always realized that they had to represent all the people to the best extent possible.

Now of course, some policies might be things large groups oppose, but being America we accepted the right of the people to protest and assemble and defended those rights.

Could be that my memory is fading but outside of specific groups like drug dealers or other criminals, the presidents never made it an us versus them thing once elected.

We are experiencing an era where more and more things are defined as us versus them and sadly the "them" is "us".

We have met the enemy and they are us.

Slogans like "Make America Great Again" mean nothing when you inspire hatred of your fellow Americans.

Police who are afraid of the people they protect are not really public servants anymore.

Armed men who come and drag away a father or mother, son or daughter because their papers weren't right are police state thugs.

Gleefully allowing a policy of seizing property when no crime has been proven is atrocious.

Banning people because of what religion they practice or what country they were born in is tyranny.

We have a leader who acts like everything is about him, not the people he serves.

God help us.

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