Saturday, July 29, 2017

Chaos Trump House

Well its hard to keep up with the tweeting fool we have but it seems that all those fully vetted and highly qualified selectees weren't all that great, at least some of them, so far.

Everything that is happening was easily predictable based on his history and lack of experience and what is worse is his lack of any moral compass.

There's no way in my opinion that he won't be molesting the cookies in the white house over time, if not already.

On long Island yesterday he advised the police to go ahead and rough up those bad hombres when they loaded them into the paddy wagons.  Images of keystone kops danced in his head, I'm sure.  However the police being professional said they wouldn't do that.

There are still people who think he is doing something good for the country because I guess bigotry and racism is their thing.  Thanks to his predecessor's policies we are still doing OK and since they are pretty much ineffectual we may stumble through the whole term this way.

People who voted for him fall into a few categories.  Some are the deplorables that really hate this country and what it stands for and want to oppress minorities and other religions.  Some thought he would create jobs and the rest are opposed to abortion and gay rights.

The ones in the middle are the ones who are going to be the most disappointed.  He isn't going to revive manufacturing or coal mining jobs, automation has replaced the workers.

May see some investment with some jobs, but generally going to require some real skills to get them and nothing like the old assembly line days.

In many of our communities the people abusing the system are these ex workers, not all of them, who prefer benefits to the menial jobs they can get.  Its not the minorities or the Mexican immigrants (most of whom work very hard) who are the problem.

Making minimum wage isn't good enough for them, they used to make real money so they simply survive on what they can.

Empty promises isn't going to change anything.

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