Thursday, July 27, 2017

Senate Continues to Save Health Insurance For Millions

Generally the headlines talk about how the Senate is failing to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act but this failure is actually a success for many Americans who would lose coverage under any of the Senate plans.

You may feel that the Government should not be providing health insurance but if you do what is your alternative approach?

In the middle ages they used to collect the bodies of plague victims but don't think that's an acceptable alternative.

Do we allow the fortunate access to things like health care and education and condemn most of the population to poverty and disease?

That's not the world I want to live in, I want everyone to have opportunity and decent medical care.

The other way has been tried in the past and has always resulted in large populations of peasants or serfs or slaves who struggled to survive.

First of course you need to strip the poor of all hope and dignity and make them entirely dependent on the wealthy.

Lets try to avoid the same mistake here.

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