Monday, July 3, 2017

Presidential Behavior

Watching the latest antics in the White House thee does seem to be a common link to the Jackson presidency.

He was widely considered to be a social pariah who engaged in uncouth behavior by the standards of the day and who pandered to the common man.

Now of course looking back at his behavior now indicates nothing that we would consider all that outrageous, but at the time he was a real renegade.

Now we seem to have a president who has decided to engage his perceived enemies in a media contest as if he were just an ex-reality show star not above the fray.

In fact he is the fray.

Generally I'm not sure its not a bit refreshing since for the last administration I always thought that president didn't engage enough.

Now of course whatever you think presidential behavior is supposed to be, by definition it is how the president behaves.

Elect an ape and you get apish behavior.

The fact that you walk away with a fistful of feces is pretty much our new standard.

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