Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2018 Mid Terms

Now that its 2018 the question becomes how do we elect people to promote progressive causes.

There are a million pundits out there who will talk about what needs to be done, but the first step is to make sure the country realizes that progressives are just as American as can be.

Most of the causes I'm talking about are actually supported by a majority of Americans, as evidenced
by the recent generic ballot.

Generic Ballot

This may seem surprising until you think a bit about what Americans thought they were voting for in the last election.

Despite the evidence all around them, certain media outlets had convinced them that the Government was a runaway train that was going to take away their guns, force co-ed bathrooms, send jobs overseas, and allow millions of immigrants to become citizens who entered illegally among other nefarious things.

Of course the exaggerations (lies) also included unfounded allegations about the Democratic candidate.

Finally, the election had a certain predicted inevitable outcome that turned out to be wrong, possibly because of that very prediction.  People who favored the Democrats felt they could stay home and it wouldn't matter, and those who wanted to register a protest had a candidate to vote for, one that had no real chance to win.

Meanwhile on most issues, the people felt that maybe we should slow down a bit but in general they are very much in favor of fair treatment for all, affordable health care, environmental awareness and global peace.

Regulation of Wall Street was extremely popular it was a reason progressives didn't fully support the democratic candidate.

So when the impossible happened most Americans felt that the system would control the wild card elected but surprise, it didn't.

In fact, he lied and exaggerated even more turning his popular vote loss into a perceived mandate.

There is an old adage, be careful what you ask for, you may get it.

Like a dog who catches a car, the only choice they have now is to pee on it and move on.

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