Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Two Parties = no Progress

So left to their own devices politicians can make a deal.

Whether the deal gets honored or not is another question.

I do believe that a measure will be introduced on the Senate floor if there isn't a bigger deal, but whether it will pass in the house or get signed is another problem.

The rules under which the Senate and the House operate are pretty restrictive and designed to control democracy.

For example, if a majority of the representatives and senators favor a piece of legislation, you would assume it would pass.

If they get a chance to vote on it.

The leadership of both houses has significant control over what members get to vote on.  In addition each party has some internal rules they follow.

So for example say some legislation is favored by over two thirds of the representatives but the majority party splits 40-60.  The odds of it getting voted on is exactly zero.

I understand the need for some order in the way business is conducted but I also think there should be democracy.

The two party system is not part of the constitution and was never voted on.

It allows radicals on the left and the right undeserved influence over the agendas and has led to the dysfunction we see in Washington.

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