Friday, January 19, 2018

This is His Best

Recent testing seemed to reveal that the dotard is not currently suffering from diminished mental capacity.  This is being touted as good news except it means that this is the best we can expect.

If you read his tweets or read summaries of them one of the things that is often clear is that he doesn't know how most things work or in many cases what is going on.

For example, the monkey house wanted to include a long term provision about dreamers in a short term funding bill.  Just to clarify what this means, a bill that is passed by congress and signed by the president doesn't expire, it becomes the law of the land.  The provisions of that bill may have expirations or deadlines but the bill itself becomes a part of the permanent record.

So a bill that contains short term funding and a long term solution to a problem is fine, the two things are separate.  However the dotard tweeted he didn't want CHIP to be part of the short term funding but rather a long term solution.

Well it was slated as a long term provision in the same bill as the short term funding extension.

The tweet seemed to confuse people who think he might know what he is saying but this is the best that can be expected from him, apparently.

Of course if the mistakes were infrequent or quickly corrected that would be one thing, but he tweets things out with a lack of knowledge and could easily tweet out something contradictory the next day.

Sadly this is as good as its going to get.

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