Sunday, January 28, 2018

Clinton Obsession

It doesn't matter if you like the Clintons or detest them they apparently get you sales or clicks or attention when you attack them.

Long after it could possibly matter to anything we see articles or speeches about what her campaign did or did not do about a sexual harasser in 2008, whether she was given preferential treatment during the silly investigation into her e-mails, as well as continuing allegations about how they misused or misused their foundation.

Since there has never been a lack of public scrutiny on anything they do I feel safe to predict that none of this will amount to anything except, as I said a few extra clicks, a few extra sales or a bit more press coverage.

Clearly the people who have grown to hate them aren't ever going to be satisfied until the unprovable is proven.

Oddly while there are a certain number who are convinced they are evil and should be punished, both of them are still among the most admired people in the country.

It seems like a real love hate relationship, although the hate seems much more virulent.

A lot of conspiracy theories are kept alive by our fo(a)z(ke) news media joke with seemingly endless discussion of all the evil things they have done.

It sold and it still sells, so they keep pushing it.

Its more than a fad, its a real obsession.

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