Monday, January 22, 2018

You Get What You Vote For

It seems that the only reason we have a shutdown is because the dotard wants one.

The issues are effectively non-existent for a continuing resolution since both parties agree on the main elements.

In fact there was a bipartisan solution pitched that the dotard rejected not too long ago.

Protect the dreamers and it goes away and everybody says they want too.

It seems that the dotard and republicans feel the democrats want it more so they want to use it to bargain on other immigration issues.

Even then the democrats were willing to include some money for the silly wall, but the dotard turned to jello and shifted his position.

We have to live with the jello man for another three years barring some unforeseen situation, and the simple fact is that he is not either a politician or a man of his word.

He used to change deals with his vendors all the time, often refusing to make final payments and seeing if they would bother suing him.

Many of them couldn't afford the cost of that, which is what he counted on.

He had no honor was never faithful to his wives and lied constantly.

All of this was obvious and yet he won the primaries and the electoral college.

We probably got what we deserved, or what some wanted.  A dysfunctional government.

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