Tuesday, January 9, 2018


Well congrats to Alabama they did what they had to do although there were some issues with the officials, it is a hard earned victory.

Sometimes you see things in the news that make you wonder.

There's a new book about the president which indicates that many of his own staff have strong doubts about his intellectual capacity.

In response he tweets that he is a "stable genius" which almost proves he isn't.

I gather that after losing the Alabama senate seat at a meeting with congressional republicans they have decided to present a united front.

Not sure that is what the people who elected him want, but as far as I can determine they just want to see the Government be dysfunctional.

This was the appeal, give America back to real Americans and let them do what they want.

What they want is however not at all clear.

In general there are people in this nation who aren't really in favor of change, either because of religious teachings or just a general feel that change is bad.

So they want to be left alone.

Some of the change is economic where just going to high school no longer guarantees a good paying job.

Other changes are social with same-sex marriage or transgender rights.

Other things concern perceived reverse discrimination.

The appeal of "Make America Great Again" was all about rolling back this changes and societal evolution.

Of course its not really possible to roll back the economic changes, companies are still interested in making profits, and societal progress will continue to evolve.

In some period of time, new jobs will appear and the economy will adjust as inevitably the technological advances spread to improve opportunities.

Jobs in renewable energy, infrastructure rebuilding and industries yet to be invented will sustain our workforce, if they have the right skills.  The Henry Ford Assembly lines are however now manned by robots, so learn how to operate one.

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