Friday, January 5, 2018

Fantasy White House

By now I would like to think that anyone who is paying attention knows that the dotard lies regularly.

He does it so frequently and with such conviction that it doesn't seem like he even knows he is lying.

For example he claims that after 9-11 he saw radical Islamic terrorists celebrating on a rooftop in New Jersey when no such footage exists.  The most logical sequence to me is that he conflated two different events.  He seems convinced that this happened.

So technically, if your fantasies become your reality, you aren't actually lying, you are simply wrong.

I think that's the bigger danger, he sees the world through a distorted filter that convinces him of things that are not true, at least not anymore.

For example, there was a time when there was a tremendous demand for coal and mining more of it would have reduced prices and created jobs.

Not now.

Open up protected areas for additional oil capacity to eliminate our dependence of foreign oil.

We have moved on largely to natural gas and renewable enough that this is at best minimal impact.

Reduce taxes on manufacturers and all those jobs will come back.

Its cheaper and better quality to use automation and robots.

The list goes on and on and is based on his perusal of various TV shows and commercials with no real research or logic.

I'm pretty sure his bologna has a first name and a last name and all his trains are run on time by choo-choo Charlie.

I doubt he looks for the union label since he thinks unions were bad, but he might hum the tune to himself now and again.

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