Wednesday, January 24, 2018


The odds of much changing between now and the next deadline on the funding issue is probably slim to none.

What should be the strategy to get things the American people want while avoiding things they don't want.

We know that the last measure had an extension of CHIPS the childhood health program, so while some view what happened as a setback, the hint of any progress in the Washington environment is a positive thing.

I would argue that a series of short term funding bills that have some progressive bone thrown in might in fact be the best strategy.

A deal on a budget is going to be nearly impossible considering the things the conservative House members want and most people don't want.

Of course the priority is to protect the Dreamers but it might take a series of baby steps to get there.

Similar to what the Republicans did with Obama's Supreme Court nominee, it might be in the best interest of the Democrats to simply make a long term deal impossible since short term funding bills continue the prior funding.

Is it the best way to run a Government?

Clearly no and the strategy requires the Democrats to win big in November so they can better control the agenda.

It is better than giving up.

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