Wednesday, January 31, 2018

State of the Union

To be honest, it put me to sleep.

It might not have been the most boring or even the longest ever, but it certainly wasn't exciting enough to keep me awake after a fairly long day.

I probably wouldn't have watched it at all if the Knicks-Nets game was closer.

I guess the message was lets be bipartisan, all you Democrats do what we want you to do.

That's actually uni-partisan, or capitulation not a bipartisan agenda.

The agenda is what it is and mostly we are talking about more or less of something.

He wants less immigrants, less abortions, more defense spending, more border security, less regulations, less taxes on business, less trade agreements, less environmental protections, more coal, more jobs, less public education and less domestic programs for the needy.

Not sure this is a complete list and not everything was mentioned last night.  Some of these items, like more jobs isn't really controversial, just the approach varies.  For example most economists would argue that trade agreements create jobs, so getting rid of them isn't productive.

He kept talking about the people as opposed I guess to immigrants and of course his characterization of certain things like the Affordable Care Act or "chain" migration is like always simply incorrect.

It didn't seem to change anything and reading the press articles about it, I didn't seem to miss much.

That's not really unusual, you would think a State of the Union would require that certain factual things be reported but that hasn't really been the case.

Just more politics.

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