Thursday, February 1, 2018


What is economic fairness?

If you subscribe to laisez-faire economics, the results are pretty much fair no matter how they come out.

It works our pretty well for the winners and not so good for the losers.

That was largely the state of affairs when the industrial revolution started and generally the outcome wasn't pretty as rich industrialists dominated and many people lived in sub-standard housing or company towns where they eked out a meagre existence.

We went through a long period of reform where certain things were added to make things a little fairer, such as universal public education, public hospitals, unions, rules about the environment and worker safety as well as programs for the unemployed and the elderly.

It is hard to imagine life without those things now, although some do.

They are envious of the days when an enterprising person could rape the environment, oppress some workers and get rich.

Of course we see a lot of people getting rich and richer as wealth is becoming shared less equally.

Is this fair?

What is the fair share a resident of this country deserves?

It is the question that divides conservatives and progressives.

It doesn't have a simple answer.

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