Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Fake News and Conspriacies

If you survive a shooting even in America these days, you still have to deal with the NRA trolls.

If you don't know what I'm referring to the Washington Post had a good story about the situation.

Trolling Survivors

Its a sad state of affairs but an inevitable one in today's day and age.

Of course its a result of our tremendous technological advances, that these people can so easily find each other and spread their hate.

They have always existed but life was much more difficult for them and their ability to reach a large audience quite limited.

Having so much information available means that much of that information is going to be erroneous and the only real solutions would be something that reduced freedom of speech, which is just unacceptable.

The good solution would be to have a public that didn't so easily buy into these false stories and conspiracies, but we have a public which has been conditioned by cable news to believe some pretty outrageous things.

You can usually spot this type of things fairly easily because they can't prove what they claim so they resort to attacking the unknowable.

For example, they will list a series of events and argue their is some connection without offering any proof and demand someone else prove their is no connection.

Even if someone could or would take the time to prove such a thing (and proving a negative is often impossible) why should they?  Facts should generally speak for themselves.

Take a fairly widespread theory that the moon landings were staged.  Could we have done it?  Maybe, but the argument simply rests upon alleging they were staged and asking for proof they weren't.  Shouldn't they have to prove they were staged?

Making unfounded allegations and demanding to be proven wrong isn't an acceptable argument.

Don't fall for it.

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